This frame contraption is actually a spoon holder. So beautiful! And, apparently I found it so beautiful that I didn’t realize I already had one! But, hey…it was only $2.00 :).
This is what my other one looks like…a la “repurposed”! Isn’t it cute? Love!
Here’s another one I bought a long time ago. Guess I have an obsession with hankies too because I still have many more under my bed. AY!!
The Bixby Knolls Estate was not only a treasure hunt but a lovely home in a really nice part of Long Beach. I scored some pretty doilies, salt and pepper shakers (already hve an idea for these), ALOT of silverplate for repurposed jewelry and some nice pillow cases. Yep…I have an idea for them too. If I could only find more time in the day. I only spent $7.00 at the Bixby sale. Not bad for those doilies (4), 12 pieces of silverplate, two salt and pepper shakers, a storage jar with vintage buttons,a pillow case and the print above. Oh how I love a good sale…the addiction continues! Can’t wait until next week! Stay tuned. Oh I got the hanky at the Lutheran Thrift shop and some vintage wrapping paper. Sick I say :)! I don’t need any meds, please! I’m incurable!
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