So yesterday was “Monday’s Motivation” day on my blog and it just didn’t happen. I didn’t fail to do it. The project was just needed elsewhere. At first I was sad because I had made this a commitment to you, my readers, and to myself. (Oh I hate letting people down and even more so, me). And, I am genuinely sorry. Very sorry. The funny thing is, do you know what happened? Nothing:). And sometimes, that’s just how it rolls. I’m not perfect. Things aren’t perfect. And change is always just around the corner. And, somehow life always manages to go on. So I had to let it go. On the bright side, I have an even better post for today. I love decorating…a lot! I love stylizing and FALL! So today is just a show ‘n tell. Not really a tutorial but I hope you enjoy it and are so inspired to decorate your place. Next week, you will get my original project right on time.
Painted me a new sign and made it my own original saying. Nice to step outside of that box sometimes. And you know what? I didn’t even look at Pinterest. I love that place. Super inspiring but every now and then I realize I’m not using my own imagination. So I shut that puppy down and started from scratch. Pumpkins, hay stacks, wagon and vintage bird cage came from Goodwill and garage sales. Actually one pumpkin was from Wal-Mart. The greens and flowers were bought at yard sales and at a wholesale flower supplier in California.
And here is my rake from last year. Love it because it’s so different from a wreath. Hate it too, because it bangs on my door every time I open or close it. Lol! Ah, what can you do?
So that’s it. Again I apologize for the detour but this gave me an opportunity to bring you something different. I am so happy fall is just around the corner! Well, obviously I couldn’t wait for it to get here!
This is great! It is taking everything I’ve got to not get out all the fall goodies! I am, always, so over Summer. Let’s break fall out in June, hey if they can start Christmas in July, why not? Right?
Love ya,
I am so on board with you Joanne! If only the weather would cooperate a bit we would have smooth sailing.:).