So I am back in California, yet again, to spend time with my family and to consult on an upcoming wedding. Of course I never miss an opportunity to junk and I lined them up for Friday and Saturday. I was surprised and excited to discover that Santa Ana’s quarterly garage sales was this weekend! I love the Floral Park neighborhood. I love the fact that you can walk from sale to sale and the houses are gorgeous. Because I am now pretty full up on well, just about everything I love, I had to say “no” to a lot of stuff. But here are the few things I said “yes” to…
Yes, yes, yes! I loved the case alone! I didn’t even know what was inside of it! This was the best find of the day for me, perhaps even the year. It is a Singer featherweight machine. It sells on e-bay for close to $500.00. Not in my budget. But you know what I got it for?? Twenty bucks. That’s right! And how dumb was I to even try to negotiate! Not something I usually do. Stuff is pretty cheap so I usually pay what they ask. The gal didn’t budge. I paid the money and then looked it up on e-bay. What a steal! Oy! Don’t you like the runner in the back. Cute for Valentine’s day. 50 cents.
Aw, rusty bins and drawers and even ANOTHER globe! The glasses just finish it up. Everything but the globe was a dollar! Paid and ran! :).
As some of you know, I love vintage Christmas a LOT but I am full up so these reindeer made in Japan are for Michelle. It’s the only thing I got from this one sale as a gal I nicknamed “Chatty Cathy” (long story) scooped up absolutely everything vintage Christmas plus a bunch of old cigar boxes. Oh well. And Michelle, she loves animals so I got these prints and the darling dog planter FOR HER. I share well with others ;). Here’s a pic of Chatty Cathy so you can be on the look out for her. Her name reveals who she is. You will definitely know if you run into her but I’m fairly certain, she will not be “chatting” it up with you…
That wedding I’m doing, well it has a botanical look and feel so these are PERFECT. The oblong dome used to house a clock but I have other plans for it… The book has a great cover for fall.
And here are just a few pics of my garage saling adventure.
Lots of sales on this street so I just parked and walked. It was a perfect day for garage sailing because the sun did not come out for several hours.
Simply adorable!
Lots and lots of treasures here but i only bought the clock dome. Had a lot of fun and was home on Saturday by 11:30. Cost for the day $29.00 for me, $8.00 for the wedding, $9.00 for Michelle and the entertainment value…priceless!
Truth! Man, she was so on it too Michele!