Yesterday is why I love to go junkin’. It’s about the hunt and the unexpected treasures discovered in some random box or drawer that have been tucked away for years. Truthfully, I do a bit of investigating before I even head out. It’s so important to really read the ads on garage sales and estate sales. Obviously nothing is fool proof, but knowing certain buzzwords can really help narrow down the search. I found this one sale on Friday to be of interest because I had never heard of this particular estate sale company before. Generally there are an abundance of well-known, but often expensive companies conducting these transactions. Always a risk to try a new one but sometimes it’s like finding a 4-leaf clover in a sea of grass and that is what exactly happened at this sale. Lots of treasures at really nice prices. Saturday also brought me some great finds but most of those items are for others. Had to justify those purchases. And you know how that goes… “That’s my story “…
Loved all of these things. I was actually most excited about the vintage stamen and yep, the creepy elves. Some like them and some hate them. I grew up with them so I’m all good. They bring a smile to my face and they look like “Snap, Crackle and Pop”.
Isn’t he about the sweetest ever? He’s a Joseph musical figurine. Got him for about a buck plus or minus the dust.
These next two pics are from a fantastic sale that I nearly passed up because it appeared they were selling a ton of clothes. When I came back around to that street from going to another sale, they had a table FULL of glassware and the like. The tablecloth was from the sale I had just come from. It was ONE dollar! The Two figurines are old, one is stamped “USA” and the other has it’s original manufacturer’s sticker on it. Got them both for $1.75.
And the last one is for my friend, Michelle (I promise I’m not keeping them!) Pretty certain I’m going to be charging Michelle room and board shortly for all these animals I have “collected” for her that she has not come to get but sooooo loves them ;). Michelle, your brood is reproducing…sort of. Get here soon :). Love you.
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