There is no more appropriate sentiment for me than the picture I am featuring here today. It is a goal I have set for my life this year. I am not slowing down no matter what my age dictates or people may say. I refuse to be afraid of the unknown and all the “what ifs”. I will not let life pass me by even if it means doing something that is so out of my box that I feel my throat tighten and my heart race. The fear of the unknown does not have to remain that way. This trip to London gave me the perfect opportunity to break some of those chains. I caught a cab to Peterborough, rode the train to London, navigated the tube and finally rode the bus back to the train station. Alone, I might add. I had no cell phone service for the most part. I asked questions when I got lost and managed to get to every place that was on my agenda. I was so confident afterward, that I repeated my trip the very next day and went to new places. I did five, (yes 5) LIVE tv segments for Create and Craft TV. That is not in my wheelhouse. At all. Super scary actually but did I have fun! So, I challenge any of you that are fearing the fear of whatever, to make yourself take the next step. It doesn’t have to be a big one. Baby steps work too! One day at a time. But please, don’t let life run past you. Get your shoes on and set a pace. Make some plans. Conquer that “I could never do that”. And by all means, never mention the word “age”. Only you hold yourself back. What do you want to do that you are missing out on? No better start than today. All that to say, here are some pictures from my trip. Lol. I have so many but I have narrowed them down. Life. Ripe for the picking. Go. See. Do. Live.
This store pretty much took my breath away. It wasn’t because it was so beautiful or trendy but because it embraced all that I love about fabrics. Lots of color and thread applications. Lots of dimensional layers. The shibori fabrics were amazing. Of course, I left with a heavier bag and a lighter wallet. Definitely worth a trip…Cloth House.
One of my favorite stores, Cath Kidston. Bright and fun, purses, clothing and accessories that put a smile on my face and another little dent in the pocketbook. :).
Liberty London. Oh my gosh! Inspirational and beautiful and so many department levels! I will be doing a separate post on this. Swooning still!
And then there was Carnaby Street with their unique shops as well as chain stores.
And these flowers, yes, they all have my heart but the sweet peas are a particular favorite. Love the vine-y-ness to them!
I think these are paper whites and only bloom once a year.
Who doesn’t love tulips?
And lilacs, ahhh!
And to think I could have missed out on all of this because I was afraid to do something I had never done before. Here’s your ticket and challenge friend! What are you waiting for?
Thanks for showing up!
Go. See. Do. Live. Thanks for taking us along for the ride.
Always happy to be a tour guide :).
Your post struck such a cord with me, Debi. Over the past 3 years my life has become a never-ending uncertainty; it is exciting & very very scary, in equal measures. As a result I feel more alive than I have for many, many years.
This week I travelled alone from UK to Australia – 10,070 miles & 27 hours. I never thought I could, yet I did.
You are so right – challenge yourself, try new things, be brave, be prepared to be silly-scared. Embrace the exhilaration of achievement.
And Well Done, you!
What a blessing yo have found you…and I’m so random, I don’t even know how I did! Thank you for sharing about your trip … and your encouragement to approach the scary and unknown. Good God – timing for me!
Thanks Kelli for your sweet little note. I am so glad you are here. So many kind friends all adventuring life and obstacles together!