Liberty of London. The one place I have wanted to see for sometime and nearly forgot about until my friend, Paula, mentioned it. Apparently it was just a block away from where I had been shopping the day before, though I had no clue. When Paula asked to meet me there the next day for tea, I jumped at the opportunity. It was worth every penny and the long trip in from Peterborough. I showcased the flowers that were on display at the front of the store in my last posting, so now I’ll show you what’s inside. There was plenty of color and inspiration for sure. The yarn here almost made me want to knit or crochet. I said “almost”. Lol. Not embracing that art anytime soon but I sure loved the beautiful colors seen here.
And then there were the beautiful fabrics…
And more fabrics in different textures…
Quilt packs…
And so many unique buttons displayed so nicely.
This is Liberty of London. It has a rich history and the building is old.
I highly recommend visiting here. Although things are relatively expensive, there’s no charge to shop and drool.
I love this place and your vignette pics are amazing.