It felt so good to be home this weekend in California. I miss my family, friends, the cooler weather AND my junkin grounds. Naturally, as in every weekend, I rolled out of bed at 6:15 (yes a.m.) and was scouting for vintage goods by 7. Happy to say that by 9, I struck gold…of the very best kind! The kind of “gold” that was old, rusty and definitely dated by most people’s standards, but oh my, the history that came with this sale was simply priceless. The house was built in the 1940’s by an Orange County sheriff and his switchboard operator wife. Tiny little place but it must have housed a whole lot of love. They had quite a few children, all of whom are in their 60’s now. The “kids” all ran the sale and each had a story to give or an explanation about certain items. Loved hearing what things were used for or how they ended up on the property. Those stories were as great as finding the goods really. It was an easy history lesson that one rarely hears in the classroom. Arriving on the second day of the event made it really fab because there were bigger bargains and surprisingly, quite a few treasures to choose from. What a cute little house!
And there was the backyard…
These pieces did not go home with me but I admired their “seniority” by way of rust.
Had to have the holiday goodies. All were made in Japan. Old. Loved.
And the stuff from the garage was the best. And there was way more than I have pictured here. I am still pinching myself that I got the complete set of brass stencils!
Sweet things from inside the house…
By far my favorite find and by all accounts, what everyone else wanted…
The sweetest art. Ever.
Not shown…A three tiered, yellow cart on wheels, with just a little bit of rust to show it was loved! Ten bucks!
And then just like that, it was over…for this weekend. Next weekend I won’t be in California or Arizona. I’m going out of state again and you will never guess where or rather who I am going to be “hanging” with…
Always. :).