Mary Engelbreit. This is it. Her place, her space and where she spends the majority of her time creating magic. Her playroom to inspiration. It not only holds a variety of her own art but also the works of others that have found a special place in her heart. So much loveliness in one area. Truth be known, I couldn’t soak it all in. I was mesmerized by so many diverse things, wondering how and why she came to select this or that. (I’m always interested in the history behind the art.) And when Mary sat on her “throne” and began to speak, we all stopped snapping to listen. What’s that? Her favorite thing to do is draw? Yep, preaching to the choir here. Wish I was able to capture these few moments in a jar and take it all home with me. Maybe some of that “magic” would rub off too but in the meantime, I have the pictures to remind me I was there and it was real.
The entrance….
And I guess I will walk you around the room from here.
Mary knows and is a big fan of one of my favorite artists, Joan Walsh Anglund so naturally she had a few of her pieces in the room. Just love these…
Loved the idea of housing treasures in an old aquarium…
Naturally, this section was one of my favorites. Red, polka dots and mushrooms are ALL GOOD stuff :).
So, did you see something that you really liked? Much eye candy here and what’s not to love?
Still way more pics but I will save those for another time. Again, thanks to Mary for allowing us to view her personal space. So very kind.
Oh my! Mary is so inspiring andI so enjoyed you sharing her studio tour with us! Wonderful to see her and her space. What a wonderful time you must have had!