The weekend before last, I flew to California to attend a graduation party. Thank God my family lives there and I was able to borrow their car, because as usual, I had to get my junkin’ fix before the big event. Pretty sure I couldn’t breathe without it, lol. Not many sales in the area that weekend. However, my mom happened to make mention of an estate sale I might want to go to that was on the third and final day and, it wasn’t too far away. I managed to get there right before nine when it opened. Although the house was completely filled (and I mean to the brim), and prices were still high, we were told that everything was half price. Even at that, the estate sale owner gave me such a great price, I couldn’t refuse anything I had on the hold table. Here is what I ended up with but honestly, I wish I could have come back later. Prices were exceptional, even negotiable and many items were bound to be around. Oh well, I still made out like a bandit! The books were such a good price and the artwork inside was incredible!
And the doo-dahs, so impressive. I loved the blue-labeled spools of thread from France!
Never forget about the rusty stuff. Had to dig a little but there was a LOT there.
The book. Pretty special to me because it was one of my favorites as a child. At 50 cents, I think I could afford it.
Now this is the stuff I go crazy over. Ok, I admit I go crazy over a lot of stuff, lol, but this dresden just makes me sing. Made in Japan. It’s in the original packaging and none of it had ever been used. The quality of this was absolutely fantastic. Dug it out of some boxes in the kitchen. This house was huge though it looked average from the street. So many rooms!
These hinges, tiny and made in Japan. Anything made in Japan generally means old when it’s in the states. Should have bought the entire box but I didn’t know the price until I got to the table. I took my fair share…he hee.
This piece of art touched my heart. A vintage U.S. Navy FEMALE card. When have you ever seen one of those?
And here was a mish-mash of the grand finale! Wow. Did I do that? Time to borrow luggage. And I borrowed the biggest piece too!
One day, I will show you pics of the inside of these homes. Always interesting and I love the history of everything. For now, just showing off the cream of the crop. Thanks for window shopping!
So cool. Some of that could have come from my dada garage