Mixed Media. A haberdashery of sorts, I suppose. There are inks and stencils, dies and stamps, paper and string, some imagination and, truth be told, some days, a whole lot of imagination. For today however, it’s just one simple card. Pretty much anyone could take it on and that’s what I love about art. It doesn’t have to be complicated to be fun. There is more to the message here as well. It is about how nice it is that all the companies that made these products make for one great art community. Though I work for one of the manufacturers and I’m on the design team for another, this is my blog and I’m not paid a dime for either the product, project or to say how much I like them. And I do like them a lot! How sweet to play on the same playground as others.
(I almost titled my post today “I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends”, because it’s the truth, but it kinda sounded too much like a …song ;).) Lol. Anyway, here are the inks I used. I love my Ranger Distress Inks by Tim Holtz. Nothing like them. I begged Stamps of Life owner, Stephanie Bernard for this color, Seaglass, and I now own it. And Staz-on, how could you go wrong? Pure and permanent. They all are fabulous products and for all different reasons. They all got a slice of the pie. :).
The stencils are from StencilGirl Products and I am always thrilled to get to use them. And, I am honored to be on the Design Team there. Such a great staff and tribe! These particular stencils are ATC Mix Up by Mary Beth Shaw and Numbers by Seth Apter.
And these are the dies…love them. The Coffee Rings are Seth Apter’s design and the Hemstitch Rectangle is from Becca Feeken. And the lone Feather stamp…that’s mine. They all made for a great experience and all come from Spellbinders.
And I would be missing out on so much if I only stuck to one so I’m happy that I get to play with them all. I would say we get along well. Here’s a quick set of instructions… I applied inks using a blending tool to my ATC stencils onto my pre-cut card stock. I attached some pre-stenciled, die cut Coffee Rings to the base. Then I placed it all on top of the die cut, Hemstitch Rectangle using foam dots. That piece was adhered to the card base. Of course, I had to add string and stamp, color, hand-cut and adhere the feather. And that’s my card so appropriately called, “We’re All in This Together”.
There are links to all the companies above but if you wish to order the dies and stamps from Spellbinders, you can go here too…
Coffee Ring by Seth Apter
Hemstitch Rectangle by Becca Feeken
Feathers by Debi Adams
Happy Monday! Oh and big congrats to Roxann and Arianna! You both won last week’s giveaway. I decided to give both cards and die sets away. Send me your addresses and I’ll get them out!
Oh my!!! Such a beautiful surprise!!! I’m so happy to be of the winners!!! Can’t wait to receive your stunning card!!!
Thank you so much dear Debi!!!
I loved this card too!!! It’s a piece of art! I love how you mix different colors and elements! Great work!
I’ll send you a DM on Instagram because I don’t find your mail. My ID on IG is raggiodiluc3